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DRDO Recruitment 2021 for Engineers

DRDO Recruitment 2021 for Engineers: 16 Research Vacancies Available at DRDO Centre, Salary Rs 31,000

Application Start Date

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Application End Date

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Last Date to pay Fee

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Admit Card available

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DRDO recruitment 2021 for engineers will be conducted in the month of January of the upcoming year for 16 vacancies at the Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (VRDE), which is a centre of the Defence Research and Development Organisation in Ahmednagar. The vacancies available are that of junior research fellow and selected candidates will be engaged on a temporary basis. Selected candidates will be paid a monthly salary of RS 31,000.

Who can Apply for DRDO Recruitment 2021?

The notification issued on the DRDO website says that there are a total of 16 junior research fellow vacancies for which candidates with the following qualifications can apply:

Subject Qualification required Number of vacancies
Mechanical engineering BE or BTech in mechanical engineering with first class along with valid NET or GATE score OR ME or MTech in mechanical engineering with first class both in graduate and postgraduate level 6
Automobile engineering BE or BTech in mechanical engineering with first class along with valid NET or GATE score OR ME or MTech in automobile engineering with first class both in graduate and postgraduate level 3
Electronics engineering BE or BTech in mechanical engineering with first class along with valid NET or GATE score OR ME or MTech in electronics engineering with first class both in graduate and postgraduate level 3
Computer science engineering BE or BTech in mechanical engineering with first class along with valid NET or GATE score OR ME or MTech in computer science engineering with first class both in graduate and postgraduate level 4


How to Apply for DRDO Recruitment 2021?

Candidates will be selected for the vacancies based on their performance in a walk-in-interview to be conducted from 4 to 11 January 2021. Interested candidates will have to attend the interview in VRDE along with typewritten applications and all relevant marks cards and certificates. Those who wish to know more about the vacancies are advised to go through the official notification for additional information.

Resources + Attachments

Official notification

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